Alberto Ventafridda

About Me

I’m a developer and Computer Science student at UniMib, living in Milan, Italy.

I aspire to be a jack of all trades, hopefully master of one in a distant future.
In my search for the one trade to master I’ve experimented with web development in all of its forms - from frontend to backend, from design to devops pipelines.

  • In 2023, I spent a year working as an infrastructure and backend developer in a consulting firm, where I developed Cloud Infrastructure for large-scale web and AI projects.
  • Right now I’m focusing on completing my CS Bachelor, practicing the art of binary exploitation and playing CTF competitions in my free time.

About this blog

The design of this website is a fork of Tania Rascia’s blog and uses her Newmoon dark theme for the code snippets. The pages are plain HTML files generated using custom Astro.js code. I host them on an equally over-engineered infrastructure.

If you find these technical details interesting, you may enjoy the articles I’ve written about this blog, or the /uses page, which describes the software and tools I use everyday.


Feel free to contact me on Twitter. I’m also on LinkedIn and Github.